Sunday, November 12, 2006

Media Rant and Rave

The Tribs Fred Mitchell does quite a stroke job on Sammy in Sunday's edition. Fred flies down to the Dominican for one of Sosa's legendary B-day parties and lets the Sammy begin his Hall of Fame revisionist history. The money quote on how he hit so many homeruns w/out any steroids, "I went to bed everynight at 9pm and the wind was blowing out. " He also insists he was clean because he wasn't named with any other Orioles by Grimsly. No one is debating that he was juicing with the O's- his numbers sucked!

Dachicagosports blog called Sammy's Hall of Fame media tour before any of our peers. Our sources are unbeatable!

Stay tuned for more...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The whole Sammy media thing recently has an air of unreality about it, sorta like an old Soviet Union election where the partis men get 100% of the vote all the time. There seesm to be a need fro Sammy to 'manufacture consent' that he is still a great player ready to make it to the Hall of Fame. I'm certain someone will give him a shot @ a million a year, but we'll see if his 'Push for the Hall' tour will generate more than 15 hrs and 150 k's this coming summer.