Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Cubs Bold Move

Its still hard to fathom that the Cubs just signed Alfonso Soriano. He is arguably the best player in baseball and certainly the class of this years free agent market. Most astoundingly the Cubs have just spent 1/4 of a BILLION dollars in one week! I'll be the first to admit I was wrong when I stated that the Ramirez signing would preclude them from pursuing Soriano because of budget constraints.

There are two major reasons that the Tribune has opened up the vault. The first must be the removal of Mcfail and his replacement by Mcdonough. Since very few know the exact process by which the budget is determined, addition by subtraction leads us to the Mcfail/Mcdonough scenario. Irregardless of where the praise lies, its one hell of a first move by Mcdonough.

The second and most imortant reason for the spending spree is the beginning of the unthinkable with respect to Cubs fans.
The Tribsters have finally started to alienate their blind fans with an embarrassing and pathetic product. A joke of such a team that the suits finally felt the snickering and ridicule in the boardroom.

It is the Cubs making the most un-Cubs like move that has shaken up the world. The switch has been flipped and all possibilities now seem attainable.

I think that a Schmitd signing is next in order to solidify the rotation. Coupled with a healthy Cotts, Woody as closer and an ass kicking manager, the Cubs can certainly contend. "Foolish thought" you say, well the Cards took the title with less talent.

In the meantime lets hope for a few more goodies from Mcdonough and Co. Suddenly " wait 'till next year" has become "Can't wait 'till next year"!

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