Creighton was out in the first round. Marquette, another local and Catholic school, looked horrible in their loss. #9 Xavier, (low seed, local, Catholic) had #1 Ohio State beaten in the second round, but lost in OT by two. Local school disappointed as well; #12 Illinois was the single heartbreak after having a huge lead against #5 Virginia Tech and losing by two. Indiana lost in the second round. Ditto Wisconsin.
But there are some teams that have given me a rooting interest. Top of the Pops is Southern Illinois. They looked solid in their first two games, and I think they have a fair shot @ beating Kansas. Indiana’s Butler looks like cannon fodder v. reigning champs Florida. I bet Butler averages six inches smaller than Florida. Georgetown (Catholic) looks like they have a chance to win the East. And I think the Big Ten’s Ohio state can win the South. There: that’s my dream Final four @ this point.
But one can see. That possibility thing is over. There will be no magic @ 12.20 on a Thursday afternoon or as the sweeper wait to move in @ the end of the night session. Despite the rare Laetner shot in the quarterfinals, miracles have ceased. But what has developed in me is something different. It’s, well, a more mature appreciation of the teams that are left. I’ve watched a lot of the sixteen teams remaining. I can appreciate these teams better now than I could last week, and judge them on their strengths and weaknesses during the game. This mature outlook has me very excited about the big matches ahead. Interesting basketball remains to be played starting on Thursday, even though the possibility of the thing is over. Unless Southern can somehow beat Kansas. And Butler can……….
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