Its only a few games into spring training, but the Lou factor is making its presence felt in every which way. He's cleaned the Dust out of the clubhouse and Lou's rules are the only ones that matter.
How refreshing to see a manager who at least acts as though he cares how the team is playing. Screw the players manager- I want a managers manager. When a player can't hang, call him out or hang him out- period. The money quote, "Those are just facts, there's talent here, and we have to get it to mesh... If not, its a struggle."
In the first week of spring training, Lou has implied that Ramirez can play another position if he can't find the way to first with the ball. He then told Prior to start pitching-not towels- immediately. And most importantly Lou said the second team can't play fundamental defense. Histrionics you say-wrong! This is exactly what this talented team needs. They were coddled by the Dust for three years and each year yielded deteriorating results.
Lou calls it like he sees it. He is starting both Prior and Wood on the same day in different cacuts league games, " I told the pitching coach we'd answer all the same question in on day. It won't take two or three." This is so refreshing to the fans who at least want professionals called out when they play like St. Rita. Win or lose, Lou has guaranteed not only a exciting season, but one in which we will get the most out of our team-not excuses full of Dust.
Is Lou getting his head checked for lice? What the hell is he wearing?
that's good. these losers need some serious ass-kicking. i hope pinella gets into a few brawls this season.
let the drinking commence!
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