Jay Busbee, in Chicago Sports Review wrote a thought provoking article about the cultures and demographics the NBA uniquely intersects. There is also some pretty good reporting on the different perspectives of NBA All Star Weekend. I personally think there is no problem with the NBA, its as popular as ever, it has higher and higher TV contracts and higher revenue teams. Attendence is higher than ever as well as salaries. There is labor peace, no performance enhancement scandals. Let's be real, the NBA is a business, and the only way to measure a business is profit and revenue. By that account, the NBA is doing great. If there is a problem, it's that suburban dads get scared when they see black men with tattoos. Furthermore, they get envious that these very wealthy tattooed men, can have anything they want. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems more like a problem with the suburban dad than the NBA. Anyway, check the article out, it's definitely worth reading.
I think the NBA is definitely going down hill. It's not what it used to be in the Jordan era.
you'll be hard pressed to find a black person in the crowd in an nba game.
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