Instead of this Bears offseason being focussed on returning to the Super Bowl, the bad news hit parade continues. The latest bad news is Tank being sent to the tank. He has been sentenced to 4 months in jail for a probation violation. Actually, this seems a wee bit ridiculous to me. I think he is being forced to the big house because of the other shady stuff he has been involved in, which doesn't seem fair. Then again, he shouldn't be given special treatment just because Lovie Smith showed up at his sentencing.
The firing of Rivera, the loss of their best offensive player, Lovie's contract foibles, Briggs threats and now this, the Bears are looking like a 9-7 team next year. On second thought, maybe that's not fair, after all they do still have the Sex Cannon. Better make that 7-9.
what an offseason falling apart! and after a superbowl appearance...
We should send Tank to one of those "special" prisons in Bagdad or Cuba.
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