Why them on the list? Is this another anti-Cub column masquerading as a positive Cub post? Well, maybe, but my stated point is this: Has one team ever had three bigger jagoffs than these three? It was really amusing to watch Prior jerseys sales go through the roof while that guy constantly presented such a negative vibe. No, Prior, yr not the best. No Prior, the reporter should be treated with class. No Prior, no matter how tall you are and however many wins you had in your one major league season, you shouldn't look down on people.
I understand that as a Sox fan, I've dealt with the surly-ass Albert Belle. And no matter how bad belle was, Barry Bonds is even worse- well, maybe. But all three of these guys never had any respect from me. Oh sure, Maddux is one of the great pitchers of the game, but do you really have to open up your smug mouth? Kerry Wood, do you really have to be so condesending (you are a Cub, after all)?
I hate to see these guys in pain. God Bless them all. I loved to watch prior pitch and even bat. But it will be nice not to have to have these fucks inflicted on us this season. All three are nightmares, and no matter how much talent one has, try and match it with class.
Oh the irony! First of all don't believe all of what you read by often jilted and jealous "press". I've personally talked to people who have done business w/prior and said he is a nice guy. Perhaps its his role as union goon that make him such an ass.
Clearly the Sox have the two biggest asshole,rude, racist, homophobic cocksuckers in all of professional sports. First is their drunk, incomprehensible manager. If this guy didn't win, he would be pissing on himself while riding the "el". What a hypocrite to boot. Nobody has ever bitched out Reinsdorf or this organization with such venom and then come back on his word.
Secondly you have the biggest asshole of a player in perzinsky. Almost anyone who has ever played with him and has the balls to say it will tell you he is a complete asshole. In fact he was more hated than Bonds when he was with the Giants.
Oh i almost forgot, you're GM is also an arrogant asshole. Big Frank would have kicked his ass back to whatever shithole he crawled out from, but instead chose to put up fantastic numbers last year to show the genius made a mistake. Did this guy ever play pro ball?
I wouldn't count out Prior yet, he is very young and really doesn't have anything near a career ending injury. He will be back. Wood could and should become a fantastic closer. No one is born a closer, you become on because of circumstance.
The jealousy of you Sox fans never ceases to amaze. You obviously can't be jealous of the Cubs record, so it must be all of the attention they get. It must be tough winning a world series and then no one cares.
A least you hit the trifecta on assholes-quite an accomplishment.
You are counting Maddux as zero class? Huh? This is almost incomprehensible. He is a great teacher of the game. Other pitchers on his teams have nothing but good things to say about him. I think the Prior jerking off the autograph signing thing has been overblown. As for Wood, the guys at ESPN1000 have nothing but good things to say about him. He is a good interview and treats the press fondly. Their injuries are their injuries. What are you going to do?
As for any comparison with the Sox, didn't that idiot dh of two years ago think the dinosaurs didn't exist? Isn't kenny's iq almost 50 points lower than a legally developmentally disabled citizen? Yes, Mr. Williams won a World Series, but does he really think he can rebuild and win at the same time? Does he think that the Sox somehow are exempt to the price of free agents now? Even when they are filling up the park?
Here ye Here ye Homophobic cocksuckers. Doth thou really exist?
Have you ever suffererd through any of their interviews? Great players, sure maybe great guys everywhere else, but deeply insufferable to have to listen to them. Luckily the batteries in the clicker work well.
And yes, Belle was the equal of all of them to-gether, plus Bonds. And yes, Maddux is a baseball God. And yes, Ozzie comes off as a jackass as well. And yes, Williams is, um, in their category. But those three.....good riddence, and seriously. The less they are on local tv the better.
And yes, I'm glad my old taunt from several years ago (before he became the winningest pitcher in the majors 2005-2006) that Joh Garland has had a better career than those two - injuries noted.
A.J.? Kool as hell, dudes. I hated him with the Twins, but he's the shit.
Prior and Wood:113-85
Cubs win.
What does this have to do with my fantasy team?
Remember that episode of "The Simpsons" in which Lisa's school project was to determine if a hamster was smarter than Bart? One of her experiments was to attach an electric shock to a food item. The hamster touched the food once (a piece of cheese), was shocked, and learned not to touch it again. Bart touched his food (a cupcake), was shocked, and proceeded to touch the cupcake over and over, getting shocked each time. I've always found this scene to provide the perfect analogy to Cub fans- put the names "Kerry Wood" and "Mark Prior" atop the cupcake in frosting and watch the Cub fans continue to touch and get shocked. Seems like Cub fans catch on to something around 4-5 seasons after the rest of the baseball world has (see "Sosa, Sammy- aka Performance-enhanced, Egotistical Jackass"). Just look at some of the other comments here: "I wouldn't count out Prior yet" and "Wood could and should become a fantastic closer." How many times are Cub fans going to hit themselves in the head with a hammer before they realize it's not a good thing.
I don't harbor any personal grudges against either. Prior does seem like a sissy with his priorities out of whack, but Wood always seemed to me like he was a genuine leader for that team, a trait to be admired. My only grudge is the numerous years I've had to endure Cub fan worship of these two players who arguably are the most overrated baseball players of my lifetime.
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