I like Eddy Curry. Ditto Tyson. Their collective thriving presently under Player Coaches is certainly no odd thing. It was a foregone conclusion. These players obviously needed a more hands off approach. The antithesis of which is the Skiles/SLA school of Conformity through the Breakdown of Will and Ego. There’s no mistaking those glowering Skiles’ eyes beneath that balaclava.
Tonight’s game against the Cavs/Nets will prove meaningful in the Bulls final playoff positioning. I’ve never rooted for the Nets in anything in my life. I’ve always mocked the size of Jason Kidd’s kid’s head. Always cast aspersions. Tonight, though, they’ve never looked so good. I hope Vinsanity has the game of his stupid career. And that Kidd kisses 25 straight from the free throw line. And that they blow their old fogey who the fuck cares wad just in time for a first round matchup against your Chicago Bulls. Oh. That’s right. Jay-z cares.
Hell I even like Isaiah. Do you think him and Magic still touch cheeks?
Bulls/Knicks rivalry resuscitated over two all beef patties, special sauce. Could have been a lot worse. Teabags for instance.
If the Bulls clinch #2 and have home court ad the first two rounds, there is no small chance that we could be in the East Conf finals. Hell, the NBA Finals for that matter considering our chances against the Pistons. It’s all about cherry and the first round. It really is all there for the taking. Just spread and say, "Skiles."
Again, we're going to the Finals!! Well, maybe one step from it, but I think they an now take anyone in the East, if they understand that they are "The One". Winning it all? Say, where will that Knicks lot-pix gonna be?
Horford would be nice
I must agree with commandant Hilts- with the weak east, a confluence of events may actually be the secret sauce. Oh how that lottery pick would be sweet. Can you imagine Durant along side Wallace?
I have to admit, I've never been a far on Skiles taskmaster style. But I have to give it to him on improving this team every year. Pax deserves a lot of credit as well for not trading the strong nucleus of this team. Unfortunately, I feel even if the Bulls make it to finals, it will be a repeat of the Bears scenario where they will be overmatched by whomever comess out of the west. Still, I think the Eastern Conference finals is not out of the question.
AND there's that possible Durant pick- things are looking up for the Bulls. Good chance to beat either Miami or Detroit.
So long as they stay away from Noah. The only upside to his game is the possibility of having Pops Yannick show up for a few at the UC.
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