With the course playing like newly re-paved Illinois tollroad and equally as frustrating to the pampered pros trying to master it, Augusta National has baffled even the greatest golfers in the world this time. The amazing thing is that anytime someone gains momentum, the course will inevitably knock them down to reality with incomprehensible greens and strategically placed water (everywhere). A case in point was Saturday's finish where Tiger was 5 strokes off the lead when he finished another disappointing round, but was only 1 stroke off the lead and scheduled to play in the final group at the end of the days debacle. The reason, no one, not even the best of the best pros can count on not fading at some point in the round. Breakfast prediction: Tiger wins by one stroke in a Sunday finish to remember.
this seems like the kind of course the pros should be challenged by every week.
Any way you slice it, the rest of the field will fade whilst Tiger wins his fifth green jacket, third major in a row and 13th overall.
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