So, with much amusement, it was interesting to watch the crowd @ the Fire -V - L.A. Galaxy game last nite - a touch of the otherworldly visiting us. Fire crowds, like Sox crowds (upstairs), are overwhelmingly childladen - running, shouting, candy and soda pop buying. But for the return of David Bekham to Chicago last nite, the pretty crowd came out. Lots of fashionistas, sexpots, and that sort. Pretty for the eyes.
And lots of Bexx jerseys. I thought it kind of weird that there were so many L.A. Bexx jerseys in the crowd, but my guess is that they were making their first visit to Toyota park. However, it was also laden w/ the regular types. In Bexx's first season in MLS last year, the fire crowd earned the distinct badge of pride in the we were the only crowd to BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Bexx in America. Now, donot get me wrong - I love Bexx, and in ost game wold totally root for him. However, if I am called upon to rip on the guy, then I hed the call to duty. Although there were many who initially looked about askewance @ the volume of booss rounding the park, by halftime we had all gotten into the act. Every time Bexx touched the ball, boos came out. Even when Landon Donovan, the best forward the USA has so far produced, touched the ball, he stared to get booed. The best was his corner kicks. He takes them all for LA, and each time he walked over to take it ----BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! The crowd was in a great mood (except for me - I was rocking the transistor tuned to Minnesota - well, actually I was in a great mood for most of the game........).
Another factor juicing up the crowd was the amount of Hispanic fans @ the game. Since C. Blano was signed last year, the amount of Latins - and specfiacally Mexicans - exploded. They always went before, but he is a huge draw. To Mexicans, in fact, he is a huge draw on the road. Mexico games in the past have always had an element of chaos if the game is tight. The most brawls ever - matching anything old Comisky could match - have been @ Mexico national teams -v- whatever soccer games.
So, it was a large loud boisterous crowd that took in the game. Being televised by ESPN, the whole nite had a festive celebratory air (excepting, of course, the late news from Minnesota). And that the Fire won a well played game topped it all. Both sides [l;ayed offense well, and there were great goals (3-1 fire), great passes and tough defense. Great win for the Fire.
Especial note towards Tiburon. Went w/ GF and Tiburon (husband of Kahla). He is an irrepressible joyous man, totally in love w/ life. I can remember a Soldiers Field game w/ the Fire 3-4 y.a. The fire had a player who shared Tiburons actual name. There occurred a stoppage on the field for an injury - and the player who shared tiburon's name was on the sideline ready for the play to resume so he could throw it in. I mean 20, 000 people there, and Tiberon riuns down the aisle to the field, calles out the player, and they have a conversation. during the game. We all had a giant laugh as we were watching this transpire, and when he rereached our row we quizzed him on what happened. Not much - they just had a little minute chat. during the game. So, last nite, we three sitting in the nice seats, laden w/ popcorn and snax. When Tiberon got the popcorn, he actually naturally offered some to the little kids sitting in front of us. Not exactly sure how the Dad of the three felt, but the kids ate heartily.
Another factor juicing up the crowd was the amount of Hispanic fans @ the game. Since C. Blano was signed last year, the amount of Latins - and specfiacally Mexicans - exploded. They always went before, but he is a huge draw. To Mexicans, in fact, he is a huge draw on the road. Mexico games in the past have always had an element of chaos if the game is tight. The most brawls ever - matching anything old Comisky could match - have been @ Mexico national teams -v- whatever soccer games.
So, it was a large loud boisterous crowd that took in the game. Being televised by ESPN, the whole nite had a festive celebratory air (excepting, of course, the late news from Minnesota). And that the Fire won a well played game topped it all. Both sides [l;ayed offense well, and there were great goals (3-1 fire), great passes and tough defense. Great win for the Fire.
Especial note towards Tiburon. Went w/ GF and Tiburon (husband of Kahla). He is an irrepressible joyous man, totally in love w/ life. I can remember a Soldiers Field game w/ the Fire 3-4 y.a. The fire had a player who shared Tiburons actual name. There occurred a stoppage on the field for an injury - and the player who shared tiburon's name was on the sideline ready for the play to resume so he could throw it in. I mean 20, 000 people there, and Tiberon riuns down the aisle to the field, calles out the player, and they have a conversation. during the game. We all had a giant laugh as we were watching this transpire, and when he rereached our row we quizzed him on what happened. Not much - they just had a little minute chat. during the game. So, last nite, we three sitting in the nice seats, laden w/ popcorn and snax. When Tiberon got the popcorn, he actually naturally offered some to the little kids sitting in front of us. Not exactly sure how the Dad of the three felt, but the kids ate heartily.
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