Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Raus !!! Schnell !!!

I just love how 'patriotism' is so freely used as a term for fascism in America. The New York Times reported this week on the practice of 7-8 baseball stadiums that force the crowd to stand still during the seventh inning stretch playing of patriotic songs that has kicked since 2001. I'm deeply sick of anti-American shitheads forcing their standards on the good people of America while disingenuously claiming that it is "the good American thing to do".

How dare the types who gave us Vietnam, slavery, Iraq, Bush, the genocide of the native Americans, and etc. now trying to force a new and improved form of McCarthyism on us. When I hear patriotic songs, I sometimes think of the greatness of my nation. But when I read of sorrowful situations such as this, I just think of the lie of American freedom. Why is it that that sort of anti-American crowd continually dictates what patriotic Americans must do. If I feel like doing jumping jacks during the singing of "God Bless America", why not??

We must reject those who hate America so deeply. The greatest rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" that I have ever heard, the deeply moving and beautiful rendition by Marvin Gaye at the NBA all star game in 1983, sparked loads of controversy. Never have I felt such 'pride in being American from a song' as that rendition. And that sort hated it and raised such a stink. I guess they not only were anti-American but they also had poor taste.

I understand that the freedom to move around a baseball stadium is maybe not the most important thing ever (like, say, having our votes counted accurately); but this is America, and we must protect her from those who hate out American Freedoms.

God Bless the United States of America.


Anonymous said...

Hey Hilts: Congratulations on achieving monopoly status here. So I guess it's only sporting that you begin to ape the style of the other contributors. Today it's the Angry Pacifist. What's up for tomorrow? Maybe a pornographic homage to Sefolosha's shoelaces ala Rosario? At least you love the Gaye.

Hilts said...

I publish the porn friday. True, too: check back for a funny little bit- i think - on the difference between Sox and Cubs fans..................man, even Cuib fans will like this one. True.

Anonymous said...

and yes, unwanted monopoly (whats wit y fux? There better be anti sox shit this wkd or I'm sweeping....) and yes, total angry pacifist styling. He helped led me there.....

bonnix said...

Angry Pacificist? I thought he had been downsized or his job was exported to India before I noticed that his name is still listed. Does he still write for this rag? I havent' seen a post or comment from him in ages?

Hilts said...

"They" finally got to him.

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