Monday, January 15, 2007

Herr Stern Forces Negros to work on MLK Day

As everyone is trying to have MLK Day made into a real day off, Stern has chosen this as the only weekday to feature games. He has a 95% african-american workforce that are in the position that they are in part because of Martin Luther King. Yet instead of giving them the day off to honor the man, he goes for more gold by featuring day games.

As they panned around the U.C. today, you saw a 95% white corporate crowd with their kids enjoying the day off watching Billy Hunters boys work. Herr Stern could have turned today into a symbol for all african-american athletes, a celebration to thwart all those cliches of rich athletes that don't care.

Stern couldn't have picked a better counterpart than Hunter. A yes man unless his head is pushed into the wall. Black in look only, Hunter is only there because Stern allows it. Its the same old political story- white politician hires black politician to front his votes. Free at last, free at last, when will these players be free of Stern at last.


Anonymous said...

can you say hebrew slave

bonnix said...

I think this post might be misguided. Herr Stern has presided over the largest growth in revenue and player salary in american sports history, greatly benefiting the african american players. before stern, basketball players were not endorsing anything. granted, much of this is because of michael and is coincidental with stern's arrival in '84 as commish. i think his blunder about the dress code and the basketball are more in need of rethinking.

Anonymous said...

Yes, god bless M. Jordan. for sterns success, a lot has to go to being in the rite time @ rite place etc...... in regards to MJ.

Anonymous said...

Who you calling "boys?"

Anonymous said...

Use 'coloreds' next ?

Anonymous said...

i could have sworn you used negros at firdt

Anonymous said...

I cant understand why you can't see how good a business man stern is.