No way !!
Yes way:
I think the Bears have a chance in the Super Bowl. I even think chances are more or less equal for both teams. Maybe I'm just the biggest homer outside of Springfield, but I'm not buying into the notion that Da Bears are the quaking underdogs that should be shivering under their angry masters rolled up newspaper.
Well, for one, how about statistics that point to Da Bears 10th NFL title? Consider what’s on the Scores website :
a system that has supposedly been a correct predictor in 14 of the past 16 Super Bowl. According to this system, 12 categories are compared, and whoever has led the other in more of them in the regular season wins the title. Categories include such indicators as rushing yards, point deferential, opponent total yards, etc… this system has Da Bears leading 9-2 and one tie. A team like the Bears leading in nine categories has won 15 of the last 18 games.
And then there is today’s New York Times article by Mike Smith, who indicates that in recent Super Bowl history, the generally held theory that ‘defense wins championships’ has held. This holds even in games that feature good defenses against high powered offenses. This seems to favour the Bears fifth ranked D vs. the Colts third ranked O.
But statistics can be made lap dogs for anyone with an argument to push : isn’t the Bush administration attempting to tout the economy these days to show its competence? Similar handling of statistics show that Rex has a 2006 playoff QB rating almost ten points better than Manning. However, the point of my argument is is that this game will be competitive, point spread be damned. And yes, Da bears can win.
Beat up other team.
This is not a call to play dirty, but a call to play the game its meant to be played. Football is a sport where it is of the utmost importance to physically dominate the other team. One has to pound on the other team for 3 1/2 hours in order to assert its will. This means hitting the other players hard enough and consistently enough where they will be taken off their game. This way several things happen : the opposing team is worn down. They may get injuries. They become tired from having to exert themselves so much. And they get the mindset that whatever they do, a big hit is coming their way. Lets hope the Bears Tyson them. This is most important when it comes to the sumo crew on the line. Games are won through the strength of the lines. It will be most important for the Bears to do well on both sides of the line.
On defense, if the Bears can get in and put some hurt cycles on Manning, he becomes less of the awesome danger he is. Lets get him aching and thinking. We need to see him being pressured when he drops back to pass. We need to see the blitz hounding him. And the Colts running game must be halted.
On offense, Rex needs the time to be comfortable. How many bad Rex plays have been when he made a bad decision while scrambling for his life? Then think how much like a pro QB when he has the time to confidently throw downfield. We also need to see Thomas Jones and Cedric Benson having lanes to run. Lets control the offensive line!
Good Rex.
And Rex should have not just a good game; he has to play worthy of Super bowl champion QB. He must, of course avoid a QB rating in the 23’s and the 10’s, and especially the 1’s and 0’s. Especially that sort of game. But he must show more: this is the Super Bowl. He’s started 26 games in the NFL now (this is his fourth playoff start), and he has shown flashes of leadership @ different times this year. We got to get a full game from him.
The defense must control the Colts offense so they do not go wild.
No doubt, the D has a tough job to do. The DCS staff have written already about the non-inviolability of this fifth ranked defense. But in this most Super of games, they must not resemble voile. Control the Colts line. The secondary must have a great day against the Colts passing game. Tough, tough, tough; but it’s doable.
Special team have to come up big.
Both team have excellent kickers. Adam Vintieri is in his element, but Robbie Gould has also had a great year. Punting and kick coverage should go the Bears way. A big wild card is Devin Hester. The Colts coverage has been suspect, so look to Hester to make some magic happen. Avoid fumbles !! Hopefully, when we think back to on Hester this season years from now, it will be on his spectacular game in the super bowl. It can happen. And maybe not on a kick return : i’m waiting for him to get some plays on offense, or maybe a fumble return or interception.
Finally, who knows where this game will take us?
Who will be the star of the game; will it be Hester or Manning or Urlacher or…………..someone we haven’t concentrated on so far this year. Who knows?
Keep it close in the first half.
Beat up on the Colts.
Pressure on manning and good coverage in the secondary.
Make turnovers happen.
Start showing signs of dominance in the third quarter.
Play hard till the end.
Baaaeeerrrzzz : 26-20.