There was a feeling among Sox fans that they blew several games in Wrigley Field last weekend. The typical over reaction of the press - that's it for the Sox season - was, as usual, expected. But amongst the connected few, it was disappointing that the Sox didn't take five out of six this Crosstown Classic (last Sunday's loss the only one where they didn't seem in it). As tough as last weeks sweep was, it was good to see the team respond by winning five out of six and keep ahead of the division as Minnesota won 10 in a row and Detroit's on a 14-3 run. This division, seemingly taking the shape of last years NL Central, now has three legit playoff teams as well as Cleveland in the weeds.
But they are playing well. The hitting is, of course, the worrying spot. The road hitting has been terrible, and something needs to be done. And this season is especially the year of the Superior Home Squad. The Sox, who have played less @ home than any other team, get an extended run @ Comiskey Park ten game home stand. Here's hoping that this extended run will get them into the hitting mood which will carry over into the ir next road trip. Although pitching rules the post season, thye have to get there -as well as score runs to win then.
There is a lot of season to go. However, the pace that the Sox are on - 92 wins - seems incredible - for a team that hasn't even started playing well yet. Although we love our team and totally note that they are in first place - there is a massive bit of frustration about this team. Simply put- they are better than they have been playing this season- a lot better - and they need to kick it into gear.
Or else no post season.
ive never seen a woman even remotely that at comisky
But I have, and many times over.
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