Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Now What ??

Jaun Carlos Osario, the new so promising Fire coach, is now going to the N.Y. Redbulls. Like Bonb Bradley before him, a succesful Fire coach is taken away by the floundering N.Y. team. However, thissituation is much different: Bradley was @ the end of his tenure and looking for a change- Osario came in new several months ago and was looked to to continue the teams turnaround. Papers are writing that given the N.Y. metro areas giant stock of Columbians, Osario's wife would feel more comfortable there.

Although the loss of the coach is bad, the possible loss of players could be even worse. It is assumed that C. Blanco will stay in Chicago since he came to the team before Osario. But ace defender William Conde mite also make the move to N.Y. Any loss in the defense will be terrible to overcome.

However, the loss of a new coach who totally turned the team around this summer is bad enough. Although the Wanchope experiment failed, it seemed everything else worked. he will be missed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe they can hire lovie after he gets canned.