Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I know I will be taken to the coals for this, but there was an interesting juxtopisition of articles on golf this week. Mondays NYT had a front page article on the trend of golf playing in America = down. And todays Sun Times had a Mariotti colom on the popularity of great Tiger Woods.

Now for the trouble = Except for fellow dcs writers Jackson and Bonnaix, and two 80 year old men (One an old girlfriends Dad, and the other my sisters dad-in-law), I don't know anybody who actually follows golf. I golfed once - three rounds before I'd had enough. I was @ a golf match - and it was kool -w./ the above writers. But compare - hundreds of people who like football. Hundreds who like Baseball. Soccer, basketball, hockey: same.

I even know more people who like snooker - snooker -than golf.

Yes, Jackson is an MD, so his protestations will show that skew. And Bonnaix is the cousin. The old men are old men*.

And again, this is not a diss on golf. It is a kool game. And Tiger - negative personality and all - is still a superstar. It was great to see him in action personally a few years back. I'm sure there are millions to be made on its commercials and magazine ads. And I hear that cards and car racing are popular. But from my context, the New York Times article better reflects reality than Mariotti's.

*= no allusion to my usual 'petty morals' kiss off here.

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