Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Can You Help a Brotha?

Lead defenders in the Mike Vick case are none other than Michael Irvin and Deon Sanders. In what promises to be another Selma or Birmingham in the continuation of the civil rights struggle, Vick is getting what he deserves from his frat brothers.

Irvin says he knows the "persecution" Vick is feeling from his many drug busts. Sanders is defending Vick on the NFL network saying, "some people like to take dogs for walks and some choose to torture their dogs- its a lifestyle choice." Irvin is no longer on the ESPN network following his latest bust and the NFL network has told Sanders to shut the fuck up.

In the beginning of the end for Vick, his buddy has decided to cop a plea and sack the QB. Mortenson claims that Vick will never play in the NFL again. We'll see how far the civil rights movement has really come.

1 comment:

bonnix said...

While I do think that Vick's actions are reprehensible, I do believe that some perspective is in order. The 'Greatest, Wealthiest, Family Man , Philanthropist Arthur Blank just returned from 'Safari' in Africa where he now doubt killed precious game for nothing but privileged sport. No one is criticizing him. I certainly don't think dogs should be tortured, but let's not pretend that animals are treated cruelly all the time for food, sport or for nothing.