Sunday, December 30, 2007
The Best and the Brightest!
The Patriots absorbed Eli's best impersonation of Peyton, made the proper adjustments, dug in deep and accomplished one of professional sports greatest feats. Going undefeated in in any sport has become once in a generation. It's much more difficult than winning the Super Bowl. The Pats already have 3 of those and perhaps one more next month.
Of course if they don't win the big game, this team will be known for its infamy. This version of the Pats is everything a team should be-smart, aggressive, talented and most importantly humble. They encountered everything this season except losing. They crushed teams, struggled against some teams and outwitted others. But above all they have done it all with complete humility. This may be their greatest asset- it keeps them hungry and they may not believe all of their press. Remember the '86 Bears- arrogant! This along with some trades was their undoing. Not these Pats-even Randy Moss is a model player.
The only two common denominators through all of their Super Bowl victories have been Belichick and Brady. On field personnel changes and assistant coaches come and go, but the victories keep piling up. Only three more to go!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Thank you; bye, bye!
So what actually happened in the Skiles firing episode? Did the team give up on him or did he give up on the team? Though this firing was a surprise to everyone but Pax, Kruase, and maybe Wallace- Skiles has played the same card he usually does. Skiles is a builder of teams not a closer. Just as in Phoenix, the team and or coach became burned out on the team.
Skiles is actually quite a good coach, but only in an appropriate setting. He is, in fact, probably better than 50% of the coaches in the NBA-think Cleveland, N.Y., Memphis, LAC,Minn etc. With the season quickly slipping away, Pax pulled the trigger on Skiles. Paxon knows the Bulls probably won't get much better this year. This leads one to believe that the players and coach had given up on each other. Pete Myers will be the interim and Boylan may be the other interim. With Skiles out of the situation, its all on the players. They don't have a lineup that blends well and there is no flow to their game.
Perhaps its true as Wallace says, "he quit on us, so we quit on him." But a coach only quits on a team when he has exhausted all possibilities. After staying loyal to his starters for too long, Skiles finally brought in hungry youngsters. None of his combinations worked well this season. A coach can't play an entire team of youngsters and if the vets don't want to play, he's done.
So, in the end, Skiles moves on as he always does- winning his first few years until he loses the team. His bonus this time is that he gets to keep the remainder of his 6mil owed. The bulls also voided the offset rule that would negate his salary if he signs elsewhere. Skiles will definitely wind up somewhere next year if he chooses. But unless he adapts more to the veteran players, the results will be the same. I think the best place for Skiles would be in college. He could teach and indoctrinate his players and would be very effective with his knowledge of the game.
Monday, December 24, 2007
What's the Point?
The Bears beat the Pack big today, but why? To blow a lower draft choice? The biggest lesson learned today was that the Packers aren't that good. Favre looked like Namath with the Rams. Either they mailed it in or reality has set in on their "perfect" season.
The Bears looked great on defense and Orton looked good under poor conditions. Irregardless, he won't start next year and neither should most of this offense. The Bears are still in last place in the division and the other teams are only getting better.
Angie and Lovie should recognize their mistakes and focus on next year now. They need to hire the best coaches and players, not worry about personal agenda's. They will have trouble competing next year as well, so start with next year now.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Same as the old QB
I was interested in watching him play on Monday nite, but it's obvious that Kyle Orton is no better than our other two QB's. The game totally looked like it could be played in 2005. The Bears somehow not just staying in the game but actually with a chance to win it near the end- or @ least competing near the end.
I figured that Orton would not have some sorta miracle breakthrough, but I hoped. He didn't look bad, but he didn't stand out @ all. It was the team around him that sucked. Per usual, although they lead by 10 points in the second quarter, they lost it in the end. Minnesota, although probably going to the playoffs @ 8-6, didn't seem worlds away from beating the bears. But they have it this year- the ability to win- and the Bears don't.
Still, I'm hooping for another Orton start next week.
I figured that Orton would not have some sorta miracle breakthrough, but I hoped. He didn't look bad, but he didn't stand out @ all. It was the team around him that sucked. Per usual, although they lead by 10 points in the second quarter, they lost it in the end. Minnesota, although probably going to the playoffs @ 8-6, didn't seem worlds away from beating the bears. But they have it this year- the ability to win- and the Bears don't.
Still, I'm hooping for another Orton start next week.
Friday, December 14, 2007
once more into the breach
One of the most reviled successful QB's- in terms of regular season winning percentage- is back @ the helm of the Bears. Welcome back Kyle Orten to taking snaps on the Bears. Since Rex came back in the last game of the year in 2005 to reclaim the starting job, Orten hasn't had a snap during a game that counts.
Although we know he was deeply over matched as a rookie in 2005, he did lead the Bears to a 10-5 record. However, he did so so comically that it is hard to take him seriously as a starter- or even as a third stringer. You think Rex looked bad when he is in the bad Rex mode? Shit, you'd have to tag Orten as Stunningly Shockingly Horrible Orten. But, two years later, he's back. And I, for one, welcome him back.
Oh, but there is a problem: there is still a season to go. I know that the Bears are 5-8, but they are only two games out of a playoff spot. Playing the third stringer- well, he's second on the depth chart rite now- means that the white flag is being raised. However, even though I am Diehard Hilts, I fully realise that this year the team is probably not gonna beat the Colts or Patriots, or even the Giants or the 1976 Tampa Bay Buc's, so I'm more than willing to give him a shot.
But: does he have a future in the NFL? He has worked in the Bears system for three years now, and there are a lot of familiar faces around him. Presumably he has grown - but we don't know. So, I will be interested Sunday, and not just during Hestertime. I have a feeling we are going to witness the second coming of Henry Burris- or, rather, the second coming of Kyle Orten- and I think we will get the same results.
I always felt bad for any of the Bears when they turn up laughingly bad. Hopefully he has used his two years in the wilderness to good effect. We'll see. I hope he stuffs it in my face and comes up with a decent game. It is baby Drax's first Bears game, after all.
Although we know he was deeply over matched as a rookie in 2005, he did lead the Bears to a 10-5 record. However, he did so so comically that it is hard to take him seriously as a starter- or even as a third stringer. You think Rex looked bad when he is in the bad Rex mode? Shit, you'd have to tag Orten as Stunningly Shockingly Horrible Orten. But, two years later, he's back. And I, for one, welcome him back.
Oh, but there is a problem: there is still a season to go. I know that the Bears are 5-8, but they are only two games out of a playoff spot. Playing the third stringer- well, he's second on the depth chart rite now- means that the white flag is being raised. However, even though I am Diehard Hilts, I fully realise that this year the team is probably not gonna beat the Colts or Patriots, or even the Giants or the 1976 Tampa Bay Buc's, so I'm more than willing to give him a shot.
But: does he have a future in the NFL? He has worked in the Bears system for three years now, and there are a lot of familiar faces around him. Presumably he has grown - but we don't know. So, I will be interested Sunday, and not just during Hestertime. I have a feeling we are going to witness the second coming of Henry Burris- or, rather, the second coming of Kyle Orten- and I think we will get the same results.
I always felt bad for any of the Bears when they turn up laughingly bad. Hopefully he has used his two years in the wilderness to good effect. We'll see. I hope he stuffs it in my face and comes up with a decent game. It is baby Drax's first Bears game, after all.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Mitchell just spilled the beans. His overall conclusions 1.)baseball was ineffective in policing itself, 2.)steroid and hgh use is rampant, 3.) there is now an effective policy for dealing with performance enhancing substances in baseball. Forget all of this, all the fans care about was who was using. The sluggers are the obvious names with the likes of McGwire, Bonds, Gonzales, Sosa and Pudge. Their physiques gave them away. But most revealing confirmations are the pitchers. Most notably Roger(i'm getting better with every passing year) Clemens. Petite is also named and i suspect our very own Woody and Prior were using.
Clemens, the good old white boy, who gets a pass while Bonds gets the full brunt of the U.S. Justice dept. Their careers have had a very similar trajectory. We can't put Clemens on one pedastal and Bonds on another. At age 34 Clemens career took off again after declining the previous 3 years. It was 1997 and roids were fueling baseballs comeback. Brady Anderson was somehow hitting 51 hrs and it was the home run derby every night at every stadium. Clemens pitched 264 innings that year with an astounding 2.05 ERA and was 21-7 with his first year in Toronto. This began an eight year tear for Clemens that coincidentally started to fade with the stricter testing. The Blue Jays of the late 90's also had Conseco on it. Now it is reported that Macnamee injected Clemens over several years with Sustanon, Deca-Durabolin, and Winstrol. These are old school steroids, many of which Arnold introduced to the U.S. in 1967. The user gains strength, endurance, and an incredible ability to recover. The bottom line with Clemens is that like Bonds, he was incredibly gifted and the juice made him God like. Unlike Randy Johnson who broke down as he got older, Clemens only got better because the gear got better and we endlessly had to hear from Bristol how incredible he was.
The Commission is really insisting on a deemphasization on the names involved and wants the public to focus on the problem. Lets be serious, without the names, there would be no interest. The problem was/is so widespread, they can't punish anyone because they would have to punish almost everyone. For the people who insist that its all heresey they are in either endless denial or have something too valuable to lose.
In the end, the cheating doesn't really matter, records should be kept, because every era has its cheaters. Whether its greenies, gambling, the Black Sox, raising the mound or doctoring the equipment, baseball will continue because of the beauty of the game. The irony of the entire press conference was the Commission refusing entry to Jose Conseco-the one they should really be thanking.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Fukudome comes to Chicago
Even with the questionable ownership issues, Jim Hendry and the Cubs filled a major hole by signing Fukudome from Japan. A great defender, solid left handed bat almost .400 on base percentage, this is a major upgrade for Lou and the Cubs. In fact, Sweet Lou is one of the reasons that supposedly Fukudome is coming to the North Side.
Last year the platooning of Murdoch, Floyd, etc left Cubs' fans wanting some stability in the outfield. This will definitely shore up that need.
Furthermore, coupled with the Sox losing out to the Giants for Aaron Rowand, it sticks it in the eye to the South Siders, who claimed to be in the running. Whether they were or not, I doubt, but so far Kenny Williams has two shortstops and trades his best player. But I digress, more on the Fukudome here.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Now What ??
Jaun Carlos Osario, the new so promising Fire coach, is now going to the N.Y. Redbulls. Like Bonb Bradley before him, a succesful Fire coach is taken away by the floundering N.Y. team. However, thissituation is much different: Bradley was @ the end of his tenure and looking for a change- Osario came in new several months ago and was looked to to continue the teams turnaround. Papers are writing that given the N.Y. metro areas giant stock of Columbians, Osario's wife would feel more comfortable there.
Although the loss of the coach is bad, the possible loss of players could be even worse. It is assumed that C. Blanco will stay in Chicago since he came to the team before Osario. But ace defender William Conde mite also make the move to N.Y. Any loss in the defense will be terrible to overcome.
However, the loss of a new coach who totally turned the team around this summer is bad enough. Although the Wanchope experiment failed, it seemed everything else worked. he will be missed.
Friday, December 07, 2007
the dcs selection show
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Black Sox Faction
Boy- things look dark for the rest of baseball with the latest trade of a Carbera- this time from Florida to Detroit, along with Lefty starter Willis. Detroits lineup looks stunning - look left and right, and they seemingly have an all start @ every position. But don't worry, the rest of the 29 teams in the league- a great line up can mean nothing @ all. Chicagoians remember how good the '06 White Sox were supposed to be- the addition of a player who hit 52HR (Thome) the year before was supposed to guanteree a total return to the World Series. Same thing for the "greatest lineup ever' that' years Yankee's.
But it looks especially darm for our team, the White Sox. We got a Cabrera- a shortstop to .....replace our regular short stop. We signed a free agent reliever, Scott Linebrink, to set up Bobby Jenks. And the outfield backups were bettered-presumably- by the addition of Carlos Quentin. That's all, and it seems thepaper sellers are in a tizzy.
Yeah, it'd be nice to have gotten both Cabrera's. The non signing of Tori Hunter was expected by all except Kenny Williams. And the player every Sox fan actually wants to play center field- Aaron Rowand and not Tori Hunter- probably will be signed for a few more years and $$ by some other team.
Being a Sox fan, one expects giant free agents to sign elsewhere. We've been shocked as hell by Reindorf spending $$ for Konerko and Burhle. But the only way this organization can win in modern baseball is to have a couple of steals. Although it was tough to see the ex Sox outfield Ordenez and Lee (and '05 Sox Rowand) playing in All Star game, Williams went for the Irreplaceble in '05- and succeed. Gambling on player futures the last two years destroyed the team in '07- but really, is there any other way for this team? To think it could sign a Hunter for $90m, or a Soriano for $141, or an A- Rod for $275m is pie in the sky. And I believe a .500 teams is about all we are gonna get this year.
Maybe 2009.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Bowl Anarchy Society
There will be no Extra Point
Written by Le Roux
For this post, I had all sorts of hostile accusations, bitter dununciations, and other arguments and asides denounciung the BCS sorta shit, but the final day of the year came through for us= in effect, the BCS dug it's own grave this year.
So, going into the Saturday, we were hoping for an Oklahoma win over #1 Missouri in the Big 12 title game and a Pittsburgh win over #2 West Virginia. I figured that Oklahoma would win, but only the tenor of the season so far would give anybody hope for a Pitt win.
So, imagine our deep excitement in the dcs circuits Saturday nite watching the updates on the Pitt- West Virginia game during the Oklahoma- especially with it 13-7 late. Having both of these games go the way we wanted them was insanely great. And, to top it all off, Hawaii finished undeafeated.
So, gloat we will. One loss Ohio State and two loss L.S.U. are in the "Championship" game for the BCS. And we ask:
What about Oklahoma, also only TWO LOSSES? Ditto Georgia, Virginia Tech, USC, and Missouri?
What about Kansas, with ONE LOSS?
And I'll even say: What about Hawaii, with NO LOSSES?
If the regular season means so much, how come the one and only team to survive it UNDEFEATED is not playing in the BCS title game?
Because the BCS SUCKS. And after seeing what this wreck-shit offers us this year and years and years before, we are now petitioning the NCAA to fix the system and stop cheating us out of our football season. Fuck the fat cat tourist travel representives
who are the only people who want the bowl system the way it is.
We want it fixed, and we what it now.
To-morrow= the Bowl Anarchy Society switches to it's post revolutionary organizational name, the People's Revolutionary Football Playoff System will reveal it's playoff system, and on Wednesday, be prepared for the dcs show detailing the picks. Rumours has it that Comrade Mustberger will be involved.
Written by Le Roux
For this post, I had all sorts of hostile accusations, bitter dununciations, and other arguments and asides denounciung the BCS sorta shit, but the final day of the year came through for us= in effect, the BCS dug it's own grave this year.
So, going into the Saturday, we were hoping for an Oklahoma win over #1 Missouri in the Big 12 title game and a Pittsburgh win over #2 West Virginia. I figured that Oklahoma would win, but only the tenor of the season so far would give anybody hope for a Pitt win.
So, imagine our deep excitement in the dcs circuits Saturday nite watching the updates on the Pitt- West Virginia game during the Oklahoma- especially with it 13-7 late. Having both of these games go the way we wanted them was insanely great. And, to top it all off, Hawaii finished undeafeated.
So, gloat we will. One loss Ohio State and two loss L.S.U. are in the "Championship" game for the BCS. And we ask:
What about Oklahoma, also only TWO LOSSES? Ditto Georgia, Virginia Tech, USC, and Missouri?
What about Kansas, with ONE LOSS?
And I'll even say: What about Hawaii, with NO LOSSES?
If the regular season means so much, how come the one and only team to survive it UNDEFEATED is not playing in the BCS title game?
Because the BCS SUCKS. And after seeing what this wreck-shit offers us this year and years and years before, we are now petitioning the NCAA to fix the system and stop cheating us out of our football season. Fuck the fat cat tourist travel representives
who are the only people who want the bowl system the way it is.
We want it fixed, and we what it now.
To-morrow= the Bowl Anarchy Society switches to it's post revolutionary organizational name, the People's Revolutionary Football Playoff System will reveal it's playoff system, and on Wednesday, be prepared for the dcs show detailing the picks. Rumours has it that Comrade Mustberger will be involved.
Viva la Revolution!!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Season Over!
Though I called it three weeks ago, the Bears confirmed it today with a loss to the Giants. The season is over. They are 2 games back of the Giants for the wildcard and 1 game back of two teams that they have lost to in their own division.
The actually looked full of life today. A.P. had plenty of energy and Rex was on the mark the entire game. In the end they got beat by a better team playing very poorly with their own Rex. Even in the mediocre NFC, the Bears are at the bottom.
The remaining suspense lies in the motivational intricacies Lovie has left for the players and the the half-truths he has left for the fans. I, for one, am not waiting around.
Viva Knievel 1938-2007
Robby "Evel" Knievel was the stud of the seventies. 3rd grade in the seventies meant having heroes the likes of Namath, O.J., Ali, and Reggie. But none even came close to Evel Knievel. When you rode your bmx down the street jumping curbs, you were Evel jumping buses. He was apolitical and never lost a game. His failures were more memorable than his successes. He sold more action figures than Steve Austin.
DCS salutes the life of Evel Kneivel. Coal miner, cowboy, pro hockey player, stuntman, motocross champion and hero. Best of all, he wore a cape!
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